4 Tips to Maintain your Hijabs in Good Condition

Published on March 15, 2023

Hijabs hold a special place in Islamic clothing. A symbol of modesty and simplicity, the hijab has a lot of meaning associated with it. However, in the end, the fabric you wear on your hair as a hijab has to be taken good care of. As you are wearing it regularly, maintaining proper care will help in making the fabric last longer. Using pins and clips can destroy the scarf faster than you think unless you prevent the damage. Here are 4 tips on how you can maintain your hijabs in good condition.

Using special pins

To hold your hijab in place, obviously, you need a lot of pins, especially during windy days. However, wearing too many pins will not only make you look weird but can also destroy the scarf. One thing you can do is reduce the number of pins. Secondly, you can wear special pins that won't damage the fabric of your hijab. You can buy them at an affordable rate easily at any store. Few of the pins are so discreet and small that it is barely noticeable when you wear the hijab.

Wear an underscarf

When you wear the hijab directly to your hair, you will be exposing the fabric to all the hair products that you apply on your hair. furthermore, you will also damage your hair if the material is not soft and light. Also, wearing slippery hijab fabrics such as silk, chiffon can call for the usage of more pins as you will find it difficult to keep them in one place. The best solution is to wear an underscarf.

When you use an underscarf, it not only protects your scarf from harsh climates but also makes sure that your hijab stays in place. Your hijab will look much better and will have a more durable run.

Avoid using the washing machine

We understand that in these busy lives it is easy to simply toss the hijab right into the washing machine. Don't do it. Hijabs are lightweight and soft materials which cannot handle the intense rinsing process of the machine and will get damaged easily. Always hand wash your hijab using mild soap and let it dry naturally.

Keep them in a hanger

Many girls keep the hijabs in a drawer all stuffed and sorted out for easy pick and wear. While this may be convenient, it is not good for your hijabs at all. They will not only get creased but will also get tangled and lose colors. Put all your hijabs on hangers and arrange them neatly.

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